Stage Starz Competition Team Auditions will be held for new hopefuls & returning comp students on SATURDAY, JUNE 8th 2024.
Dancers must be registered for auditions AND pre-registered for the 2024-25 classes they hope to compete no later than June 7th.
Audition registration is now open.
A $65 2024-25 yearly comp participation fee is due with your comp audition online registration. This $65 fee is our school fee and not to be confused with the Hall of Fame, League of Champions, or other competions' entry fees that will be billed to comp student accounts in January 2025 and due on or before February 1st 2025.
A $20 yearly family registration fee is due with 2024-25 classes online pre-registration. No tuition will be due with your pre-registration, just the $20 registration fee. Your first month's tuition for the 2024-25 season will then be due by August 1st to confirm your registration and finalize your enrollments.
12:00 -12:20 (Ages 5-7) This audition time is for new to comp Primary level dancers with limited dance experience and no prior comp experience.
12:30 -12:50 (Ages 6-8) This audition time is for Primary 2 level students with prior dance experience and 0-2 years comp experience.This audition time will include all of this year's Minis Comp Dancers & any new hopefuls at Primary/Elementary levels.
1:00 -1:20 (Ages 8-12) This audition time is for Elementary/Int level students with progressing dance experience. Dancers may have comp experience, though it is not required to audition. This audition time will include all of this year's Junior Comp Dancers and any new hopefuls at Elementary/Int levels.
1:30 -1:50 (Ages 12 & up) This audition time is for dancers at the Int 2/Advanced Teen & Sr levels and will include this year's Teen & Senior comp dancers & any new hopefuls at Int2/Advanced levels. Dancers may have competition experience, but it is not required to audition.
Auditions are closed for lobby viewing.
Good luck, dancers! We are excited to see you in auditions on June 8th! 🤩
Please visit the "File Downloads" link here on our stagestarzdance.net website for a complete Comp Auditions information download concerning auditions, auditions attire, and other expectations and requirements we have for our comp team members.
Requirement for 2024-25 competition auditions: So that we have a clear understanding of students' aspirations and how to evaluate returning competitors and new competition hopefuls during auditions, as well as have a framework for team placement considerations during Summer Intensives, students are required to pre-register for the 2024-25 classes they hope to compete routines in PRIOR to competition auditions. Convenient online registration can be completed here on our website under the "Comp Classes Registration" dropdown menu and clicking into the "Pre-Register Here for 2024-25 Comp Classes" tab after classes are added for registration on May 3rd 2024.
To eliminate confusion prior to team placements, you will now just click the desired routines you will want your dancer to participate in. For example, if you want the dancer to compete in comp team Tap and comp team Jazz, you will register for these generic class titles which will not carry team titles or reflect combos. Simply choose the dance routines you'd like your dancer to compete in and register them in those classes. Specific team and combo placements will be made after auditions. Add all desired classes to your registration by clicking to register, including clicking to add the $20 yearly family registration fee. The pre-registration process for 2024-25 classes will only require payment of just this $20 yearly family registration fee.
You can still access descriptions of each team & prices for classes for these levels when on the website by clicking on the corresponding tabs for - Minis, Petites, Juniors, Teens, or Seniors - or in the List of Classes and Prices in our File Downloads which will be updated soon for the 2024-25 season.